Thursday, March 27, 2008

Reavo's Rules of Grammar and Spelling

Dude, I have some issues. I recent read some of my blogs and realized they were littered with errors. I would love to blame my pubic school education or maybe Indiana State University, but alas I can not. To be honest I know what 90% of the problem is... slow fingers. You see my mind races (often not coherently) like a rabbit on crack from topic to topic, but my fingers type like the fat kid in gym class... slow. So I guess I naturally compensate by dropping words or not using proper tense. You would think that I would see these mistakes as I read my blog (yes I do read it, for real I do!). It does not work that way, because my mind naturally fixes the mistakes for me. This problem is magnified by the fact that I blog at night when I am not always at my strongest mentally. So dear reader, if you find yourself reading my blog and trying to guess what I drinking when I wrote it, I apologize... and answer is probably Coors Light.


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