Back in my fraternity days we debated a great many questions that faced society. Topics as varied as Nature vs Nurture, The Fall of the Roman Empire and Pythagorean Theorem were discussed with great zeal on a daily basis by the most impressive minds to ever step foot on the Indiana State campus. The one topic that was sure to cause the most heated debate was Chick Beer.
What is Chick Beer you ask? Well we were forbidden to have kegs at our parties so each member had to bring a case of beer for themselves and a case of beer for the ladies or Chicks (I know, how crass) before entry was allowed. Now where the debate starts is what constitutes a suitable Chick Beer? I enjoy a good Old Milwaukee as much as the next guy, but your average college coed seemed to prefer a lager with a little less after burn. So there needed to be a standard set for what is the appropriate bottom end for Chick Beer.
Our general rule of thumb was Busch Light or better. But there would always be a wiseguy (Rob Todd-- I am talking about you brother) trying reason that Rainier Draft (How do you call a canned beer draft?) was actually better than Busch Light?
These debates would go on endlessly. Was PBR better or worse than Busch Light? What about Keystone or Icehouse? To think of the hours wasted on this topic and yet never was an answer reached. One of the great tragedies is never having come up with a comprehensive charting of all beers…kind of like a “Terror Threat Level “ for beers. Yet again another idea for greatness missed.
Oh yes, I have fond memories of the chick beer debates. Some dudes skipped the partys so the would not have to buy any. I always opted for the Keystone Lite because of the specially lined can; bottled beer in a can. Makes about as much sense as bottled draft huh?
Classic. My second favorite chick beer definition was the 10,000 beers that were always left over on the table beside the dance foor and over by the bar. Ladies would grab a beer and then go dance. They would set their Bush Lite Draft beer can on a table with 10,000 identical cans from the other party goers. When the song was over, they would take one look at the table o' cans and say "not sure which one is mine, someone might have ashed, besides I didn't pay for this free beer anyway" and proceed to go ask for another new beer.
funny how i really do not remember the discussions on The Fall of the Roman Empire or Pythagorean Theorem, but i do remember the chick beer debate. And why should i bring chick beer when my chick hated beer?
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