Sunday, August 10, 2008

What a Croc

On our recent trip to Disney World my wife and I discussed the proliferation of Crocs into the American world of footwear. I know you might be saying “Dude, that is not much of a revelation,” as Crocs really took off a few years back. But that is my point exactly. Hasn’t this shoe fad had its day? It’s week? It’s month? It’s year? I mean really shouldn’t we be getting ready to discuss it on I Love the 2000’s.

When we were at Disney World every other person had on Crocs it seemed (including my wife and daughter- so embarrassing). Hell, even dudes are wearing these things now (I prefer to believe these men were Euro’s). Please don’t tell me how comfortable they are… because even if they make your feet feel like you are walking on clouds you look like a D-bag wearing them (I give a pass to kids).

So let’s all band together and forsake all that is pure in this crazy world. Stop buying these freaking things. Throw all Crocs already purchased where they belong, in the closet with your parachute pants, jean shorts and tight-rolled jeans (which my wife informs me are coming back in style… oh the horror).

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