Well the new TV season is upon us and we are being inundated with ads for the new shows and a few actually look pretty good, both Fringe and Gary Unmarried have caught my eye. But nothing has me as excited as the return of 90210!

Dude, I love me some 90210. Kelly, Brenda, Brandon, Steve, Silver, Dylan, Donna and the rest of the 90210 gang were a staple of my high school and college years. Even though the Peach Pit After Dark had to be the lamest night club in Southern California history, it looked incredible to me. 90210 also featured groundbreaking musical guests like Color Me Badd and Montel Jordan! Let’s face it the show had it all.
I still watch the show every now and then on the weekends. It repeats well. Damn it Ray Pruitt keep your hand off Donna’s enormous head! It will be tough for these young whipper-snappers to keep up with rivalry Brenda and Kelly had (I was always a Kelly man from day one) back in the day, but I look forward to seeing them try.
Hopefully the new 90210 ends up being a toy that we can all enjoy for the next 10 years…