Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where you been Reavo?

I know, I know, I have not blogged in forever. Sorry I have been MIA, but between work and Sarah’s medical dramarama (for details check on Sarah’s blog http://www.reavesfam.blogspot.com/) I have just not had time. So to catch up I wanted to give you a few thoughts and Reavo revelations on some current events.

• Octo-mom – I am the father of at least 3 of those babies.

• Toenail clippings are super gross, but I used to work with a chick that claimed to have kept all of hers in jar.

• I see a lot of commercials for food at Dairy Queen, for the life of me I don’t think I have ever eaten food there. I’ve wolfed down quite a bit of Ice cream, but food? Oh I don’t think so. Not for me.

• I recently got a cycling bike… Reavo in biking shorts… one word SEXY!

• Did we really need a forth judge on American Idol? Was there some earth shattering musical information that we were missing out on? Come on now with the mensa wonder twins Paula and Randy on the case did we not have our share of pointless feedback?

• While we are on the subject of AI let’s just give the title to Danny and be done with it.

• I am calling my shot right now… The Cubs will break my heart again this year.

• Me and my baby mama have chosen a name, but are not releasing it to the public yet. Rest assured it will not disappoint.

• Is there anyone left not on Facebook? If you have not played Tetris on Facebook you are missing out.

• I think Thai food is disgusting and if you would join a club dedicated to eating it you should have your head examined.

• My daughter says “oh snap” all the time… I wonder if she is the next Joy Crabman?

• I am considering creating a wikipedia page dedicated to my greatness.

• I did not have a Big Wheel as a child. Instead I rocked a Green Machine. If you don’t know the difference, I am truly sorry for you for a Green Machine is the shizz.

• The Wire or Lost best show of all time? I can’t choose I love them both; I truly am worried I might die before discovering the secrets of the island. Is that weird?

• If I could only have one food the rest of my life, I think I would choose Fruity Pebbles.

That’s enough for now. I am glad to be back and I am looking forward to sharing my extreme awesomeness with you in the coming weeks.


tomxat said...

I've seen you in the bike shorts...Sexy is not quite the word I would use

Reavo said...

What. Ever.

Brooke and Brad Arnold said...

I think that the only weird thing I craved during my pregnancy (and I only had it one time during my pregnancy) was a chili cheese dog from dairy queen, very weird.

I don't know that I can ride the RAIN ride with you now b/c you might be sexier than me in bike shorts, LMAO

Me said...

DQ double cheese burgers are awesome. On a scale of one to "Reavo in spandex" their easily an 8.

McDonald's double cheeseburgers check in at "they're ok".